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Creating multiple accounts.
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Taking any other actions that are deemed inappropriate by TSE at our sole discretion.
Political discussions not related to Diamondback Terrapins is not permitted. Groups created exclusively to talk about politics will be locked. Users who ignore this rule repeatedly will be met with moderation.
If you see a person breaking the rules, don’t attempt to moderate - let TSE Staff or TSE Community Moderators know and ignore the post(s), threads, etc.
If you should break any of the above rules, you will get a warning from one of TSE Staff or TSE Community Moderators. Should you proceed to break any of the rules again, you will be banned from posting on the forum. The only exception to issuing a ban without giving a warning are situations in which drastic disrespect of the rules occurs – in such cases we will make sure to inform you of the reasons behind our decision. Depending on the gravity of your misdemeanors, you might be banned for a minimum of 1 week. If you repeatedly break forum rules despite warnings and previous bans, or if your misdemeanors are extremely serious, you may be permanently banned from posting on the forums. If your offense violates the law, your account may be suspended and relevant authorities may be notified of your misconduct.
All decisions with regards to post moderation (edits and deleting) and user warnings are made by TSE Staff or TSE Community Moderators, whereas thread locking, temporary and permanent bans are made by TSE Staff. In both cases they are final and not up for discussion. However, constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome, provided they are directed to the forum moderators and not disputed within the forum itself.
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We reserve the right to edit or delete any post that we feel breaks any of the rules stated within the hereby Forum Code of Conduct.
If you are confused about any particular action taken that involves you, please contact us.
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