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  • I'm new. What's a Diamondback Terrapin?
    Diamondback Terrapins (DBTs) are only the coolest, most diverse, and most personable species of aquatic turtle in the world. DBTs are also the only aquatic turtle species in the world that lives exclusively in brackish waters. They are native to the U.S., ranging from the coasts of Texas to Florida in the Gulf of Mexico, and up the Atlantic coast to Massachusetts.
  • Why TSE?
    There are a lot of great DBT breeders out there who produce some amazing animals. At TSE, I try to offer a wide variety of interesting line-bred animals, genetic morphs, and desireable traits by focusing on specific breeding projects. This means that some projects can take years to come to fruition, but in the end they should produce animals that are truly unique.
  • How on earth do you ship a turtle?!
    Great question! After your purchase is completed, I will reach out to you to confirm the best available shipping date. Once a suitable date is agreed upon, I will plan to ship out your new little terrapin via FedEx Overnight Delivery. All terrapins are shipped in insulated boxes and if the temperature is hot enough or cold enough, a phase 22 CryoPak or a 72 hour mild heat pack may be used as well. Please note that if the temperatures are too hot or too cold, or if a shipping date falls on a holiday, busy shipping week, or if there is anything which could possibly delay your terrapin from reaching you while in transit, I can and will delay the shipment until a safer date is available. The safety of your terrapin will always be most important.
  • What will I need before I purchase my first terrapin?
    Remember that although they may be small when you get them, your new terrapin won't stay that way for long. Planning ahead will not only save you from the headaches of frequently upgrading enclosures, filters, and lighting, but it can also save you money in the end as well. The basics of what you will need to adequately care for your new terrapin are as follows: - An aquatic enclosure: Aquarium, plastic tub, or a livestock tub will all work perfectly fine. - Water filter: There are many options in this category, but my recommendation is to over-filter as much as possible. Terrapins require clean water to thrive. If you are purchasing a young terrapin, be careful that the water intake or output aren't too strong for the little one. - Lighting: Young terrapins won't require basking areas until their shells begin to harden around 6-12 months old, but they will need UVB lighting before then. UVB providing LED lights or fluorescent lights are a great option for young terrapins. Once their shells harden, you can introduce 50w halogen lights alongside the UVB source. - Aquarium water heater: Young terrapins (1-6 months old) do best in water between 81-84F, juveniles do well in water between 78-80F, and adults do well in water between 76-79F. Having a safe water heater (or two as a precaution) is essential when keeping terrapins. - Floating Plastic Plants/Basking Docks/Land Area: Young terrapins enjoy resting on the floating plastic plants in their enclosures. Juveniles and sub-adults will bask on logs or basking docks for hours during the day, and adult females will require a land area for them to lay their eggs.
  • What should I feed my terrapin?
    What you should feed your terrapin depends on what life stage it is in. Hatchlings: ZooMed Hatchling Formula, Bloodworms, and Freeze Dried Shrimp Juveniles: Omega One Juvenile Pellets and Mazuri Aquatic Turtle Diet Sub-Adults/Adults: Omega One Floating Turtle Sticks, Mazuri Aquatic Turtle Diet, and Mazuri Small Crocodilian Pellets You can also occasionally offer frozen/thawed or fresh seafood like smelt or shrimp.
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