Diamondback terrapins are ravenous eaters by nature and will consume a variety of foods readily when well adapted. Captive bred specimens have no problem eating commercial turtle foods such as Mazuri, Aquamax and other aquatic turtle foods. However, older wild caught specimens can be quite stubborn in their refusal to eat prepared foods and the owner may have to resort to replicating their diet in the wild. If such is the case, smelt is a good staple food for terrapins and is more nutritious, not to mention cheaper than feeder goldfish. Cooked shrimp is also a good food source but should be offered only in moderation for fear of pathogenic contamination. Freshwater crayfish, which carry bacteria that cause shell rot, must be avoided at all costs.
Adult terrapins should be fed every other day while hatchlings and juveniles should be fed once a day. In addition, calcium should be offered to terrapins for good shell and bone development. Several good sources for calcium are crushed coral (used as a substrate), calcium blocks and cuttlebones that are sold in pet supply stores for birds.